What muslim think about dakwah?
9:59 PMPeople would say.. doing da'wah is really hard especially towards non muslims.. even I myself have trouble in making dakwah not only to non muslims but also towards my own brothers and sisters in Islam.. people might think that we have to dressed properly.. like seriously on niqab(you know.. that ninja thing).. men should have beard and a turban on top of their head.. and they should seriously know Islam in dept then only they can go for dakwah.. But the fact is that.. these non muslims need nothing much of a dalil for us to deliver about Islam.. Just tell them what we do in normal life.. what was ask us to do.. they'll get interested and this will make them to ponder (with Allah's permission) and get to know islam better with their own efforts.
Like Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan had mentioned in one of his talk. (well.. I really love the way he spread his words on Islam), he said that we muslims had gone through a process.. In which we hear words or ayah from someone.. we started to get interested and begin to ponder (with Allah's permission).. then we started to attend a class (to know things we ponder in dept).. and become a true muslims (almukminun).. and these non muslims will have to go through a process as well just like us. Don't expect them to forcefully understands you directly what islam is.. coz they wouldnt be able to do that.. even us have to go through a process and so are they.
and other words from Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan.. He said that we muslims have this habit that when one have higher understanding in Islam.. how to say this.. lets give this as an example.. " an ordinary guy who never go to a masjid for the prayer once came a crossed an ayah from the Quran about the benefit of going to pray in jamaah at a masjid in a Television or else where then gets interested and learned more about it.. went to classes or asked 'Ulama or ustadh and finally he became consistent or istiqamah in praying at a masjid. One day, he saw a young guy.. just the same age as him.. sitting on a bench doing some random guitar tune while the athan (azan) is calling.. He directly said, "you shouldnt be here young man! Cant you hear the athan? YOu should be in the masjid praying" You can't expect him to just go to the masjid as you ordered... or if he did.. he didnt go to the masjid by his will or for the sake of Allah.. or even understand why is he going to the masjid.. he's just doing it coz you were angry.. ad he's afraid.. That's it.
I really love how muslims in a western country act and react to the people around them.. how they deliver what islam is.. its quiet different.. they deliver Islam in a very leisure way.. they even dress normally.. like how normal human being dressed like.. They begin the conversation on islam like a daily conversation you had with your friends.. Its just fun and even non muslims will get attracted somehow. Like in this video.. That men.. if he ever came.. let say..in Malaysia.. saying stuff about ramadhan to people with that necklace and bangles on.. I would guaranteed 100% that on the next day.. rumors or even in news paper will have this headlines "un-properly dressed guy trying to spread Islam" or comments from local residence would say, "Ya Allah.. ni lah Umat akhir zaman.. apa nak jadi" or! "OMG.. who is he to talk about Islam to the people?" or! "do He himself understand islam that he can deliver them to people??!".. I'm not looking down towards my own people but this.. THIS have to change.. I'm saying this to myself as well.. coz when this happen I might as well think that.. I'll have to be ustdhah to deliver Islam to people.. Or I have to be a tip top muslimah.. knowing every single words in the Quran and its meaning.. went to a College where u took certificates in Syari'ah n Sunnah and so on..
This is the reason why most of us and even myself afraid to advice people or spread the message of Islam to the people around us.
By the way.. YOu should watch more of Nouman Ali Khan' video.. There're a lot in youtube.