Aa kah almaghrib institute.. Mun x lah join institute nie.. tapi mun rasa it's an amazing islamic institute that involve many International 'ulama and scholar. You know, that's what I like about having in touch with those 'ulama or teachers from Western region particularly. why? because they way they think is quiet different with ours. Perbezaan die tu.. maksud mun... Even non muslim got attracted to their talk.
I've posted earlier pasal mun joining the IlmFest 2015 inspired by al Maghrib institute at putrajaya kan? thats when I started to fall in love with them...The 2 days seminar.. sgt packed with 'ilm.. new things learned and new knowledge.
Below nie gambar poster die.. you can see those small portraits down there are the speakers and also instructor at Al Maghrib institute.. and all of them are quiet famous dalam youtube menyebarkan Islam.
I've posted earlier pasal mun joining the IlmFest 2015 inspired by al Maghrib institute at putrajaya kan? thats when I started to fall in love with them...The 2 days seminar.. sgt packed with 'ilm.. new things learned and new knowledge.
Below nie gambar poster die.. you can see those small portraits down there are the speakers and also instructor at Al Maghrib institute.. and all of them are quiet famous dalam youtube menyebarkan Islam.
that day, dalam 5000 ummat islam seluruh dunia dtg~ SubhanaAllah~ And YES! Non muslim pun ad tau.. Seyes, cara dieorg sampaikn kata-kata... sgt best.. its not tired listening.. speaker die xde la wat lawak mana pun.. but its interesting and tak bosan.. they make ISlam as a reigion yg x menyusahkan.. religion that doesnt bother anyone but instead making life as beautiful as we wanted.
So apa kene mengene ngan al Maghrib nie? die mcm institute yg mengadakan kela "Islamic studies" gitue.. It's doen in the weekend and yeap.. cikgu2 dia adalah among those speakers.. memang sgt best..
Setakat nie. kat Malaysia ad di Pulau Pinang dan jga di Kuala Lumpur.. Sadly xde kat pahang.. kalau x.. leh attend klas2 atau seminar2 dieorg every saturday and sunday~!
KAlau nak tahu lebih lanjut lagi.. boleh check out website dia ---> ALMAGHRIB
Oho~!! Aq gi Mood republic nie.. owh my~ So many people~ like lots and lots of people.. Me and my friend went there like 7.30 and there's already a bunch of people lining up in front of the door to get goodies! And when the door opens.. MY GOSH! mcm org kene histeria sumenya. entah pape.. Kalau lah majlis Ilmu seramai tu.. kan seronok~! sampaikn bertolak2.. Mun yg kt depan nie.. x pyh jln dh... org belakang tolak~ cam.. chill man! everyone's gonna get in~ Its like they're not gonna locked the door or something~ -_-!
Okay la.. selain dr tu.. I get one goodie bag with a scarf in it.. Its just perfect and I'm going to give it my mommy~! Weee~! And I went to Cattleyacouture to get few shawls and yeap I did with all the hard work...~ nak beli shawl pun kemain susah lagi~ So crowded!!
Nothing else to kabo lah... gonna belanje fewww pic~! ^_^! But seriously.. kalaulah majlis ilmu seramai ni.. about more than 10 000~ hmmm yummmy!!
Okay la.. selain dr tu.. I get one goodie bag with a scarf in it.. Its just perfect and I'm going to give it my mommy~! Weee~! And I went to Cattleyacouture to get few shawls and yeap I did with all the hard work...~ nak beli shawl pun kemain susah lagi~ So crowded!!
Nothing else to kabo lah... gonna belanje fewww pic~! ^_^! But seriously.. kalaulah majlis ilmu seramai ni.. about more than 10 000~ hmmm yummmy!!
Filter vs no filter.. lain benoooo~ technology skrg~ -_-!
Ni je yg mampu belii~!!! :P
Ok laaa... agak terkejutkan aq bukak topic nie.. nk beli enpun baru ke mun?? aq ni kalau pakai enpun cam makan beras.. x sampai sebulan dh rosak.. paling terasa enpun yg last skali.. mana taknya.. beli guna duit sendiri kowwwtt~!! huuu.. hancur lunyai jantungku..
Pastu ni dh dekat 2 bln jugak la aq hidup ngan enpun kapcai.. trauma dowwww... gile ko tak trauma.. 2 enpun rosak dlm masa sbulan.. huaaa!!
Then kluarlah this S6 edge.. perghhh.. features die lebih kurang sama ngn iphone6.. yag PALING BEST!!! ad video nie... die tunjuk yg kalau korang jatuhkan dr tempat tinggi pun selamattt!!! I LOykee.. yew la its good for me yg pakai gadget ganas nk mampoih...
nie video die.. tgok aaa
kalau nak tgok features die yg lain tgok sendiri lah kt Youtube ehhh... heee berlambakk!
Tapi overall.. memang TERHEBAT laa.. Tahniah Samsung sebab berjaya create such amazing DUDE!
Now persoalannya... should I buy or should I not buy... the price is quiet expensive but hah! no probs.. I've got my savingss LOL! but this trauma of having 2 phones cracked up and broken into pieces just got me phobia into havinga new phone...
tapi.................... CANTIKK.......... AWESOME features.... AND STURDY & STRONG....
I found this "draft" post.. I wrote this like last month.. its like a week after I get to know this men. I never posted it cause.. It's like... cheezy (?) entah.. rasa mcm x nk post that time.. Here is the post..
My post earlier talks about someone I've loved long time back.. but it might or might not be just a one sided love. Anyway, Earlier this month, I met a guy, he's caring and loving, the way he treat me is just like an angel. I never kept secret in anything I do with umi. Easy to say, she probably knew ALL my secrets. I shared them with her just like how she shared hers with me.
I know how man these days are, I couldnt possibly rust them and it took time. I've been lied alot and that taught me something valuable in life. Until him, yes him came into my life and turn me into someone so special that he cherish for. At first, I told myself not to easily fall for him, man are all the same. Sweet words but all are trashes. I advice myself to hold on and not to act recklessly. Yes.. Yeas I did.. I followed my own advice.. I act as an ego person towards him. How much he told that he loved I act like nothing i heard.
He called me "sayang" but than I show an angry face so he should acknowledged that its not easy to get me, that I wouldn't easily be attached to any of his sweet words. A week, we have met and know each other. He kept on saying the same words, trying to get my attention by I ignored. Until one day, that morning at work, he texted me saying. "Ya Allah, kau jagakanlah dia yang jauh di mata .... so on.. " His words finally made me so nervous and my heart beat was like ... uhhh...
Pertama kali rasa mcm tu, aq kuatkn hati.. Kuatkn Iman.. Aq tak nk termakan dengan kata2 dia. Aq tak nk diriku kecewa bila dia lukakan hati aq.
Iye, aq bertahan hingga ke hari ini. Dan dia terus melayan aku seperti tuan puteri. Katanya, dia bakal melamar aq secepat mungkin.. jikalau ad jodoh, dia akn terus contact umi dan masuk meminang. Katanya.. aq iekan je.. tidak mengharap sangat.. kalau dah dia jodohku, aq terima..
Yes... Him.. I've fallen into him like a few weeks later.. But now.. Things change.. I told myself to hold on.. no to get fooled again.. yeap.. worth trying.
Kpd Sufian,
Yeap.. Terima Kasih sebab jadi seorang yg sangat baik. awk penah suruh sy cerita knp sy susah sgt nk pervayakn laki. kenp susah sgt nk terima awk dan sy cerita. Awak kata awk bukan mcm dieorg.. awak jujur.. ok.. saya percaya. tapi rupanya awak pun sama je.. Tapi x pe.. sy tak pernah menaruh harapan.. sebab saya tahu benda ni akan terjadi... Awak memang DEABAKKK!! la bab2 menipu ni. Terima Kasih. Berbahagia lah enkau sufian bersama si dia... Nor Jieha Rohayu..
Beraninya mun sebut nama??! hahaha So what.. bukan die baca blog pun.. kalau baca pun.. terbaca skalipun. lagi bagus~! hahaha :P
Chill yaw... tak payah nak susah payah cr boypren.. cari bakal husben ke.. Allah ada.. drpd rindu pd manusia.. baik rindukn Allah.. Allah lagi berhak dpt kerinduan dr hambanya.. Kaaannn? ^_^
jap... nak post ke gamb die?? gamba hitam putih and half je la yee.. jeng jeng jeng..
Kpd Sufian,
Yeap.. Terima Kasih sebab jadi seorang yg sangat baik. awk penah suruh sy cerita knp sy susah sgt nk pervayakn laki. kenp susah sgt nk terima awk dan sy cerita. Awak kata awk bukan mcm dieorg.. awak jujur.. ok.. saya percaya. tapi rupanya awak pun sama je.. Tapi x pe.. sy tak pernah menaruh harapan.. sebab saya tahu benda ni akan terjadi... Awak memang DEABAKKK!! la bab2 menipu ni. Terima Kasih. Berbahagia lah enkau sufian bersama si dia... Nor Jieha Rohayu..
Beraninya mun sebut nama??! hahaha So what.. bukan die baca blog pun.. kalau baca pun.. terbaca skalipun. lagi bagus~! hahaha :P
Chill yaw... tak payah nak susah payah cr boypren.. cari bakal husben ke.. Allah ada.. drpd rindu pd manusia.. baik rindukn Allah.. Allah lagi berhak dpt kerinduan dr hambanya.. Kaaannn? ^_^
jap... nak post ke gamb die?? gamba hitam putih and half je la yee.. jeng jeng jeng..
kalau rasa2 korang kenal ke.. ataupun koranglah orgnya...~ tegur2 laa... bg feedback kee.. kekeke~!
Looks like I'm all grown up.. besar dah mun yee.. Tahun depan nak graduate dh.. O.M.G!
elama 3 tahun belajar nie.. wait I mean.. Selama 5 tahun belajar (inc. foundation).. Mun berdepan dengan mcm2 dugaan. Dugaan perasaan, hati, physical, mental sume2 lah... Igt lagi when I was in my IGCSE (O'level), memang x sabar giler nak masuk Uni.. Kawan2 sebuk nak sambng A evel yang aq nie.. dh beria2 browse mana2 website university kat Malaysia dan china.
Pasal China tu, dlu dan masih lagi.. mun memang minat giler ngan china.. culture dieorg.. bahasa dieorg.. siap mun bljr bhsa cina lagi kt online..sendiri. buat buku nota.. So.. Ada la terfikir nak masuk University kat China.. Adalah kumpul Info skit yg mengatakan kalau nk study kt china kene advance bahsa dieorg dlu for a year.. OK What??! mun pun apply la satu university ni.. And DI TERIMA! Tapi msa tu otak RAW lagi.. so mcm takut2 nk bgtau umi n Abuya.. so terbiar cmtu je surat tawaran ke China.. huaaa~
Then ad la few University mun apply.. Yg di terima.. (ni ikut susunan k): MSU, University Tenaga Nasional dan UIA (dapat last skali).. x igt kenapa x pilih MSU (tp smpi 2 surat tawaran die hantar).. UniTen dh g survey dh.. siap tgok hostel die.. g ofis die bagai... And then dapat kt UIA.. (memang tak la Umi Buya nk tolak kannn UIA -_-).. so masuk la mun kt UIA. dah la bg surat seminggu sblm registaration date.. memang doing everything in rush.. Plus umi Abuya pun dh kene balik Jeddah.. SO leaving me alone with my uncle during registration tu.. terpaksa la berdikari skit.. Kene pandai2 cari itu ini. huuu~ Tapi preasaan gembira dapat masuk Uni tuuu.. tak terkata... :D
Sampai la sekarang... mun masih di UIA (Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) ). Best x? hurmmm... Berkawan, main2... jalan2.. tu best la.. tapi biasalah.. students.. sentiasa ad ups and down.. macam2 duagaan.. Tapi Alhamdulillah.. masih boleh bertahan sampailh skrg ni.. dh nk masuk final year dah.. Seraaaaammmmm! kene perform skills.. Final Year Project lagi. Aduyaiii~ ~~!! papepun.. kawan2 kene igat.. sesebuk mane pun kita.. jaga relationship/bond kita dengan Allah.. dalam kesebukkan.. Jgn lupe solat.. berzikir.. KAlau ad masaalah.. ad berita gembira.. kongsi2 dengan Allah.. berdoa dengan Allah.. InsyaaAllah.. You'll have a beautiful life just as you wishes for...
Nah.. blanje gambar skit yg dh berumur~!! huuuu... Makan makan dan makan.. yesss.. I love foooodss!
elama 3 tahun belajar nie.. wait I mean.. Selama 5 tahun belajar (inc. foundation).. Mun berdepan dengan mcm2 dugaan. Dugaan perasaan, hati, physical, mental sume2 lah... Igt lagi when I was in my IGCSE (O'level), memang x sabar giler nak masuk Uni.. Kawan2 sebuk nak sambng A evel yang aq nie.. dh beria2 browse mana2 website university kat Malaysia dan china.
Pasal China tu, dlu dan masih lagi.. mun memang minat giler ngan china.. culture dieorg.. bahasa dieorg.. siap mun bljr bhsa cina lagi kt online..sendiri. buat buku nota.. So.. Ada la terfikir nak masuk University kat China.. Adalah kumpul Info skit yg mengatakan kalau nk study kt china kene advance bahsa dieorg dlu for a year.. OK What??! mun pun apply la satu university ni.. And DI TERIMA! Tapi msa tu otak RAW lagi.. so mcm takut2 nk bgtau umi n Abuya.. so terbiar cmtu je surat tawaran ke China.. huaaa~
Then ad la few University mun apply.. Yg di terima.. (ni ikut susunan k): MSU, University Tenaga Nasional dan UIA (dapat last skali).. x igt kenapa x pilih MSU (tp smpi 2 surat tawaran die hantar).. UniTen dh g survey dh.. siap tgok hostel die.. g ofis die bagai... And then dapat kt UIA.. (memang tak la Umi Buya nk tolak kannn UIA -_-).. so masuk la mun kt UIA. dah la bg surat seminggu sblm registaration date.. memang doing everything in rush.. Plus umi Abuya pun dh kene balik Jeddah.. SO leaving me alone with my uncle during registration tu.. terpaksa la berdikari skit.. Kene pandai2 cari itu ini. huuu~ Tapi preasaan gembira dapat masuk Uni tuuu.. tak terkata... :D
Sampai la sekarang... mun masih di UIA (Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) ). Best x? hurmmm... Berkawan, main2... jalan2.. tu best la.. tapi biasalah.. students.. sentiasa ad ups and down.. macam2 duagaan.. Tapi Alhamdulillah.. masih boleh bertahan sampailh skrg ni.. dh nk masuk final year dah.. Seraaaaammmmm! kene perform skills.. Final Year Project lagi. Aduyaiii~ ~~!! papepun.. kawan2 kene igat.. sesebuk mane pun kita.. jaga relationship/bond kita dengan Allah.. dalam kesebukkan.. Jgn lupe solat.. berzikir.. KAlau ad masaalah.. ad berita gembira.. kongsi2 dengan Allah.. berdoa dengan Allah.. InsyaaAllah.. You'll have a beautiful life just as you wishes for...
Nah.. blanje gambar skit yg dh berumur~!! huuuu... Makan makan dan makan.. yesss.. I love foooodss!
Probably, You guys have seen these video.. It goes viral U knoww~ I was like thinking whether or not to watch it.. cause I'm gonna get myself headache.. hate seeing such violence.. especially towards your MOM.. MOTHER.. she delivered you... I couldnt see such thing..
Then I was like.. Let me just watch n forget it.. and so here's the video..
Then I was like.. Let me just watch n forget it.. and so here's the video..
And I was like... Its nothing.. I 've seen such thing when I was living in Jeddah.. tht's how their people behave.. x kesah la.. dengan mak bapak atau pun cikgu.. I've seen worse when I was in high school... Yeap.. thats them... Seeing them quarrel... Its like nothing to me.. unless this video was done by Malay people.. that'd be surprise...
Tapi beringat la.. Siapa yang lahir kan kita? Mak kita.. sakitnya nak lahirkan kita tuu... Ya Allah.. Kita nak balas balik pun.. dengan kasih sayang pun rasa x mencukupi lagi~ Ya Allah...
What is that suppose to mean.???! owh.. nk ckp apa ni sbnrnya.. Mesti korang tertanya2..
Sepanjang hayat kita... Do you guys ever feel proud of yourself?? Rasa banga.. Riakk.. Like a very HIGGGGHHHH self esteem. Pernah kan??? Kadang2 tu kalau kita buangkan sampah yg nmpk depan mata.. PUN kita dh raa riak.."people looking.. UUu.. looks like I'm doing a great JOB!" Awesome!!"
Or things like in the class.. when teacher questioned you and you got the answer right.. I do have this feeling of "WOW! I did great!". Sometimes.. things like that happen for a positive outcomes but yet.. we "over-doing" will cause Harm.. to our heat..
Ok. ayat atas tu aq copy-paste... Malas nak menaip punya pasall~ ngheee..~
ok.. bwh ni is what we usually intended or not intended doing~

Hurmmm... elakkan yee kengkawan...~ x pun istighfirllah selalu..~ ^_^
Sepanjang hayat kita... Do you guys ever feel proud of yourself?? Rasa banga.. Riakk.. Like a very HIGGGGHHHH self esteem. Pernah kan??? Kadang2 tu kalau kita buangkan sampah yg nmpk depan mata.. PUN kita dh raa riak.."people looking.. UUu.. looks like I'm doing a great JOB!" Awesome!!"
Or things like in the class.. when teacher questioned you and you got the answer right.. I do have this feeling of "WOW! I did great!". Sometimes.. things like that happen for a positive outcomes but yet.. we "over-doing" will cause Harm.. to our heat..
Mungkin cara yang boleh buat untuk elakkan dari ia menjadi dosa adalah untuk sentiasa ingat untuk sandarkan segala kebaikan kepada Allah. Contoh, kalau ada rezeki lebih & dapat bersedekah, cepat2 ucap alhamdulillah sebab Allah yang bagi kita rezeki tu & membolehkan kita untuk bersedekah pula. Kalau rasa kita dapat beramal lebih dari orang lain, istighfar & ucap alhamdulillah sebab Allah yang bagi kita peluang & kesihatan untuk beramal tu. Sungguh tiada daya sedikit pun yang kita boleh lakukan di dunia ni selain dengan izin Allah....
Ok. ayat atas tu aq copy-paste... Malas nak menaip punya pasall~ ngheee..~
ok.. bwh ni is what we usually intended or not intended doing~

Hurmmm... elakkan yee kengkawan...~ x pun istighfirllah selalu..~ ^_^
Yeappp.. I am not finished with my fantaciesssss. -_-! seriously, I wish hey came true.
Apa nie?? fantasi apakah? Ok.. YOU should be reading my previous post~! Like daaaaaaaa~ ^_^!
I had this stalker act going on lately.. LoL~ I was just so into this post on a girl.. Malay girl marrying a korean guy.. It was just a simple ceremony and they're a happy couple now... -_-! filled with jealousy. Korang x jeles ke?? Not that I'm jealous seeing her marring KOREAN guy but you know.. seeing her being able to explore.. going to korea.. having a different family culture.. meeting friends which are way different than malay people.. that sounds so adventurous. She's meeting with a new people within a new environment.. *sigh*.. I wish for that too.. boleh ke???? huhuh
So I was thinking.. If I ever wanted this to happen thn I have to be socialized.. mcm.. joining summer school? kaannn?? tapi xde masa dh skrg.. huaaaa!! nearing to graduation is like having your first day at work.. and tht is how tough it is~!! -_-! Owhhh waittt~!! There's this offer I got.. posting at ChangHai hospital in Thailand.. hermmm hermm... should I fill in the form???!! I should right~!! Mana tahu jumpa mamat thailand ke.. hahah~ near to Malaysia but at least outside Malaysia kannnnn.. I HAVE TO GRAB THE CHANCE~!!
ok mun.. Niat tu betulkan.. I should be going there to get experience not a love maker.. hahah~ if that happens than a BONUS for me right??!! AloHAAa!!
I wish I can write more.. but times are running.. so... tata...!!
Apa nie?? fantasi apakah? Ok.. YOU should be reading my previous post~! Like daaaaaaaa~ ^_^!
I had this stalker act going on lately.. LoL~ I was just so into this post on a girl.. Malay girl marrying a korean guy.. It was just a simple ceremony and they're a happy couple now... -_-! filled with jealousy. Korang x jeles ke?? Not that I'm jealous seeing her marring KOREAN guy but you know.. seeing her being able to explore.. going to korea.. having a different family culture.. meeting friends which are way different than malay people.. that sounds so adventurous. She's meeting with a new people within a new environment.. *sigh*.. I wish for that too.. boleh ke???? huhuh
So I was thinking.. If I ever wanted this to happen thn I have to be socialized.. mcm.. joining summer school? kaannn?? tapi xde masa dh skrg.. huaaaa!! nearing to graduation is like having your first day at work.. and tht is how tough it is~!! -_-! Owhhh waittt~!! There's this offer I got.. posting at ChangHai hospital in Thailand.. hermmm hermm... should I fill in the form???!! I should right~!! Mana tahu jumpa mamat thailand ke.. hahah~ near to Malaysia but at least outside Malaysia kannnnn.. I HAVE TO GRAB THE CHANCE~!!
ok mun.. Niat tu betulkan.. I should be going there to get experience not a love maker.. hahah~ if that happens than a BONUS for me right??!! AloHAAa!!
I wish I can write more.. but times are running.. so... tata...!!
Alright... Basically, I've been reading this awesome notes talking about all those psychic things... Sometimes they are things we experience.. WHATT??! Am I having some mental disorder.. owhhh yeaaa... you know.. they are few mental disorder experienced by little and young kids.. Like communication disorder.. Motor skills disorder.. or even learning disorder.. This learning disorder is what interest me. They have been categorize into reading, writing and maths.. maths??? yes mathematics.. These are normally identified when they turn 7.. now that I remember when I was 7.. I had this issues on being lazy (?) and yes.. HATE MATHS.. I had problem remembering multiplies and difficulties in adding and subtracting simple numeric problems. WOW~!

So does that mean I had this type of disorder??? but than.. They said that.. these kids tend to feel depressed, anger or low self esteem due to failure in exams so on and so forth. To that I reflect back... me?? depressed? anger? low self-esteem? Naaa... I fail but this what goes in my childhood mind "I failed... so whatever.. I tried at least" hahaha~ So I was like.. fuhhhhh... I didnt fall into that category. Ok guysss.. I AM NORMAL.. OK.. NORMAL.. but yes.. I still hate maths!
So does that mean I had this type of disorder??? but than.. They said that.. these kids tend to feel depressed, anger or low self esteem due to failure in exams so on and so forth. To that I reflect back... me?? depressed? anger? low self-esteem? Naaa... I fail but this what goes in my childhood mind "I failed... so whatever.. I tried at least" hahaha~ So I was like.. fuhhhhh... I didnt fall into that category. Ok guysss.. I AM NORMAL.. OK.. NORMAL.. but yes.. I still hate maths!
Bittaufiq wannajah.. itulah perkataan yg digunakan setiap kali nk exam. hye awkk. bittaufiq wannajah ye.. Assalamualikum sis... Bittaufiq wannajah... HUAAA~!! Exam dh kewww??

Commonly happen la these days.. We tend to do this like... Having a wish for a NEW year?? Alaahh... Azam baru bak Malay people mentioned. And normally AZAM BARU tu.. "Nak revise balik setiap kali habis class" or "I should be studying like 2-3 weeks ahead before exam." Like WHATTTTT???! Kalau azam je tp doesnt put them in action... WASTE.. RUBBISH (Dr. Said, 2014). Sama la kes ngn aq ni.. I think Azam baru tu.. being postponed until 2015 dah.. the same wish that never achieved. Astaghfirullah.. Bila ko nak berubah mun Oi!
Ok.. ni esok nak exam,,, Mula la buat things that I dont usually do.. Like watching boring movies, eating almost every seconds... and sleep like Pola bear!
Kalau nak tahu, me, since I was a kid.. I had this lazy stuff bout reading for exams.. Studying and all.. Urghhh.. Its like I am allergic to them (Alasaaaaannn kann). Then berangan nk pegi luar negara lahhh..
Ohooo wait~ I have this in mind saying genius tends to be so fixed and being at one place.. those book worms and nerds.. they dont have life you allllss.. They dont get socialized and life for them is so boring and suffocated... wait.. not for them... BUT FOR ME. so people like that might get themselves stuck at one place FOREVER! No offense. few of the geniuses do socialize... well. then.. tht's like bonus laa.. and I am JEALOUS! HAHAHA
Esok exam EMERGENCY, TRAUMA & OT. Owhhh helll yeaa... its gonna be a BIG day!
I will be expecting hard question from emergency.. and quiet a friendly one from OT~ Probably I'll do good! NO! I WILL MAKE SURE I DO GOOD!!

So skrg nak tido ke study?? heeee

Commonly happen la these days.. We tend to do this like... Having a wish for a NEW year?? Alaahh... Azam baru bak Malay people mentioned. And normally AZAM BARU tu.. "Nak revise balik setiap kali habis class" or "I should be studying like 2-3 weeks ahead before exam." Like WHATTTTT???! Kalau azam je tp doesnt put them in action... WASTE.. RUBBISH (Dr. Said, 2014). Sama la kes ngn aq ni.. I think Azam baru tu.. being postponed until 2015 dah.. the same wish that never achieved. Astaghfirullah.. Bila ko nak berubah mun Oi!
Ok.. ni esok nak exam,,, Mula la buat things that I dont usually do.. Like watching boring movies, eating almost every seconds... and sleep like Pola bear!
Kalau nak tahu, me, since I was a kid.. I had this lazy stuff bout reading for exams.. Studying and all.. Urghhh.. Its like I am allergic to them (Alasaaaaannn kann). Then berangan nk pegi luar negara lahhh..
Ohooo wait~ I have this in mind saying genius tends to be so fixed and being at one place.. those book worms and nerds.. they dont have life you allllss.. They dont get socialized and life for them is so boring and suffocated... wait.. not for them... BUT FOR ME. so people like that might get themselves stuck at one place FOREVER! No offense. few of the geniuses do socialize... well. then.. tht's like bonus laa.. and I am JEALOUS! HAHAHA
Esok exam EMERGENCY, TRAUMA & OT. Owhhh helll yeaa... its gonna be a BIG day!
I will be expecting hard question from emergency.. and quiet a friendly one from OT~ Probably I'll do good! NO! I WILL MAKE SURE I DO GOOD!!
So skrg nak tido ke study?? heeee
Everyone has their own dream place.. And yes.. I have a lot too... Each place I dream of has to have something weird to eat! Yeap... not that I go for my dream place I'd go shopping.. I'd hunt for FOOD!
How about me making a list of my dream places..
1- CHINA. Well.. China doesnt have lots of new food.. I've eat them mostly here in Malaysia.. They're kind of similar bt yet.. I rank china as no.1 dream place for me to seek for their culture and learn their language.

2- KOREA. Malays are CRAZYYY for korean nowadays. With all that kpop stars than has gone wild here in Malaysia but unlike me.. Korean has lots of NICEEE food to hunt for... and beautiful places to visits. Their culture and language what makes Korea special.

3- NEW ZEALAND. This place is well known of their beautiful scenery.. Green and natural fresh air that makes you feel fresh and calm. The natural beauty of New Zealand has always been the centre of attention from all over the world. Didnt know much about their food but I probably get to drink FRESH MILK!

4- TURKEY. owh well.. not that TURKEY you eat but TURKEY.. this place is awesome. What I like the most about turkey is their unique landscape, building structures and FOOD of course~ They have this traditional dance that you round and around with that open skirt (Man wears it) WoW~ You have to go here! well I HAVE to be here!!

5- UNITED KINGDOM. People would say... urghh.. what are you gonna get when you go to united kingdom?? Its like nothing'ss there..~ Me?? I LOVE UK. Since I was a little kid.. I've always wanted to be here and guess what??! I always watch film that speak their language. UK has loots od attraction if you notice. I like their people and language of course. And they have this islamic institute that grows well there in UK.. how I wish I can join them! AND!! Lots of scholars tooo! I've always wanted to ride their bus.. you knoww.. the one in red!

6. ATLANTIC. LoL...People would say.. "You'll die if you go there".. Like I caree... haha~ Its the best place as well to experience the REAL ice... and meet weird animals and FOOD (?) or do they eat everything in the water?? anyway.. I just want to go there.. It'd be EPIC!

Lastly, I'd love to go to all the countries in this world but above are few of which are recommended and prioritize by ME! Actually there are few countries I wanted to go havent list up because Its passed!!
1- EGYPT: I went there in 2007
2- SINGAPORE: I went there in 2014
3- ABHA: I went there in 2009
4- MAKKAH, MADEENAH & JEDDAH: I first went there in 2000 and get settled until 2010
How about me making a list of my dream places..
1- CHINA. Well.. China doesnt have lots of new food.. I've eat them mostly here in Malaysia.. They're kind of similar bt yet.. I rank china as no.1 dream place for me to seek for their culture and learn their language.
2- KOREA. Malays are CRAZYYY for korean nowadays. With all that kpop stars than has gone wild here in Malaysia but unlike me.. Korean has lots of NICEEE food to hunt for... and beautiful places to visits. Their culture and language what makes Korea special.
3- NEW ZEALAND. This place is well known of their beautiful scenery.. Green and natural fresh air that makes you feel fresh and calm. The natural beauty of New Zealand has always been the centre of attention from all over the world. Didnt know much about their food but I probably get to drink FRESH MILK!
4- TURKEY. owh well.. not that TURKEY you eat but TURKEY.. this place is awesome. What I like the most about turkey is their unique landscape, building structures and FOOD of course~ They have this traditional dance that you round and around with that open skirt (Man wears it) WoW~ You have to go here! well I HAVE to be here!!
5- UNITED KINGDOM. People would say... urghh.. what are you gonna get when you go to united kingdom?? Its like nothing'ss there..~ Me?? I LOVE UK. Since I was a little kid.. I've always wanted to be here and guess what??! I always watch film that speak their language. UK has loots od attraction if you notice. I like their people and language of course. And they have this islamic institute that grows well there in UK.. how I wish I can join them! AND!! Lots of scholars tooo! I've always wanted to ride their bus.. you knoww.. the one in red!
6. ATLANTIC. LoL...People would say.. "You'll die if you go there".. Like I caree... haha~ Its the best place as well to experience the REAL ice... and meet weird animals and FOOD (?) or do they eat everything in the water?? anyway.. I just want to go there.. It'd be EPIC!
Lastly, I'd love to go to all the countries in this world but above are few of which are recommended and prioritize by ME! Actually there are few countries I wanted to go havent list up because Its passed!!
1- EGYPT: I went there in 2007
2- SINGAPORE: I went there in 2014
3- ABHA: I went there in 2009
4- MAKKAH, MADEENAH & JEDDAH: I first went there in 2000 and get settled until 2010
Life.. people always wanted their life to be AWESOME! like seriously awesome.. me.. I wanted my life to be different.. different from others.. Maybe like one day.. I would be living in mexico.. having a family there.. or! I'll be having a family I made in United kingdom.. marrying a young scholar from korea.. or maybe having a husband from south China. Owh man... that is super duper awesome! Cant imagine myself being in that situation!
I've seen few malays marrying english man.. owh.. and korean as well. so how is that impossible for me right~!! LoL! people usually said.. Dream.. just dream and it might come true.. Currently I am taking Nursing degree and I'm actually interested but something is not right. I am that kind of person who likes to explore things.. more of things outside Malaysia. you know.. having friends from outside.. Join any programs or event that involve people from outside.. I just love seeing things in different ways but when thinking me in a nursing world.. I kinda thought over and say.. "Am I gonna be stuck like this.. like forever in this profession?" Nursing is busy and... Nothing gets well when it comes to an international events or programs.. or is there other ways to make it as AWESOME as possible??
I've lots in mind that I wish to do.. and to become.. Sometime those things are quiet difficult for me to achieve but I will never stop dreaming.. I love interacting with outside world.. people.. learning their culture, language.. get to know them.. and be part of them maybe (?). Being at one place is boring and I have this bunch of friends who doesnt get along with weird things.. and doesnt like to be involve with something weird.. you know how boring is that??
Miracle.. will I receive them..
I've seen few malays marrying english man.. owh.. and korean as well. so how is that impossible for me right~!! LoL! people usually said.. Dream.. just dream and it might come true.. Currently I am taking Nursing degree and I'm actually interested but something is not right. I am that kind of person who likes to explore things.. more of things outside Malaysia. you know.. having friends from outside.. Join any programs or event that involve people from outside.. I just love seeing things in different ways but when thinking me in a nursing world.. I kinda thought over and say.. "Am I gonna be stuck like this.. like forever in this profession?" Nursing is busy and... Nothing gets well when it comes to an international events or programs.. or is there other ways to make it as AWESOME as possible??
I've lots in mind that I wish to do.. and to become.. Sometime those things are quiet difficult for me to achieve but I will never stop dreaming.. I love interacting with outside world.. people.. learning their culture, language.. get to know them.. and be part of them maybe (?). Being at one place is boring and I have this bunch of friends who doesnt get along with weird things.. and doesnt like to be involve with something weird.. you know how boring is that??
Miracle.. will I receive them..
First of all.. well.. I will be using the same word I've been using whenever I start writing.. that is "Its been along time since the last time I checked in blogspot" owh well.. Life is busy.. I couldnt get everything done at once.
I think I should write more.. coz its been 5 years fr not communicating with foreigners and my English just turn out to be MANGLISH!
Last week...Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah shukran lillah coz i get the chance to be at this islamic event "ilmfest" at putrajaya by which there are 15 awesome speakers from outside for the two days seminar. few of which are shykh kamal elmakki, shaykh abdulbury yahya, syakh ibrahim yahya, syakh saad tasleem, ustadha yasmin mogahed n many more. they talks alot bout tawfiq.. n most of which are things we face in this world.. tests and challenges we went through n how we deal with it n how Islam taught us to deal with those difficulties. insyaaAllah, i will try to take few of my time to share a bit bout what i get from the 2 day seminar. its not a promise but i will try InsyaaAllah..
On that second day of seminar.. I got a text saying there'll be class I HAVE to attend by dr Salizar.. yes... her! I texted an excuse and she didnt except it so I have to return.. no matter what.. huaa!! IT WASNT MY FAULT~!! She didnt set up classes before head.. so.. not me to blame uh! anyway.. at what level I'm at to argue as such.. So right after the program.. I rushed to the terminal to check on available bus tickets and Alhamdulillah got one.
I arrived here in UIA like 3 am~!! and went to sleep right after.. on the next morning, got a text saying class being cancelled and you know how tht annoyed me.. like TOTALLY ANNOYED! And yet she wanted to postponed our FYP discussion as well.. and what I did was text her to make it today.. Making my 3am return worth it! I have the right you know.. all these master people... PHDs.. usually act this way... didnt even be considerate.. just wanted whats best for her.
I have lots of updates but... how time flies.. gotta go sleep..
I will be writing again soon enough.. and more and more..
I think I should write more.. coz its been 5 years fr not communicating with foreigners and my English just turn out to be MANGLISH!
Last week...Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah shukran lillah coz i get the chance to be at this islamic event "ilmfest" at putrajaya by which there are 15 awesome speakers from outside for the two days seminar. few of which are shykh kamal elmakki, shaykh abdulbury yahya, syakh ibrahim yahya, syakh saad tasleem, ustadha yasmin mogahed n many more. they talks alot bout tawfiq.. n most of which are things we face in this world.. tests and challenges we went through n how we deal with it n how Islam taught us to deal with those difficulties. insyaaAllah, i will try to take few of my time to share a bit bout what i get from the 2 day seminar. its not a promise but i will try InsyaaAllah..
On that second day of seminar.. I got a text saying there'll be class I HAVE to attend by dr Salizar.. yes... her! I texted an excuse and she didnt except it so I have to return.. no matter what.. huaa!! IT WASNT MY FAULT~!! She didnt set up classes before head.. so.. not me to blame uh! anyway.. at what level I'm at to argue as such.. So right after the program.. I rushed to the terminal to check on available bus tickets and Alhamdulillah got one.
I arrived here in UIA like 3 am~!! and went to sleep right after.. on the next morning, got a text saying class being cancelled and you know how tht annoyed me.. like TOTALLY ANNOYED! And yet she wanted to postponed our FYP discussion as well.. and what I did was text her to make it today.. Making my 3am return worth it! I have the right you know.. all these master people... PHDs.. usually act this way... didnt even be considerate.. just wanted whats best for her.
I have lots of updates but... how time flies.. gotta go sleep..
I will be writing again soon enough.. and more and more..