Al Maghrib institute

10:42 AM

Aa kah almaghrib institute.. Mun x lah join institute nie.. tapi mun rasa it's an amazing islamic institute that involve many International 'ulama and scholar. You know, that's what I like about having in touch with those 'ulama or teachers from Western region particularly. why? because they way they think is quiet different with ours. Perbezaan die tu.. maksud mun... Even non muslim got attracted to their talk.

I've posted earlier pasal mun joining the IlmFest 2015 inspired by al Maghrib institute at putrajaya kan? thats when I started to fall in love with them...The 2 days seminar.. sgt packed with 'ilm.. new things learned and new knowledge.
Below nie gambar poster die.. you can see those small portraits down there are the speakers and also instructor at Al Maghrib institute.. and all of them are quiet famous dalam youtube menyebarkan Islam.

that day, dalam 5000 ummat islam seluruh dunia dtg~ SubhanaAllah~ And YES! Non muslim pun ad tau.. Seyes, cara dieorg sampaikn kata-kata... sgt best.. its not tired listening.. speaker die xde la wat lawak mana pun.. but its interesting and tak bosan.. they make ISlam as a reigion yg x menyusahkan.. religion that doesnt bother anyone but instead making life as beautiful as we wanted.

So apa kene mengene ngan al Maghrib nie? die mcm institute yg mengadakan kela "Islamic studies" gitue.. It's doen in the weekend and yeap.. cikgu2 dia adalah among those speakers.. memang sgt best..

Setakat nie. kat Malaysia ad di Pulau Pinang dan jga di Kuala Lumpur.. Sadly xde kat pahang.. kalau x.. leh attend klas2 atau seminar2 dieorg every saturday and sunday~! 
KAlau nak tahu lebih lanjut lagi.. boleh check out website dia ---> ALMAGHRIB

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