Dream place VS Food Hunter
10:34 PM
Everyone has their own dream place.. And yes.. I have a lot too... Each place I dream of has to have something weird to eat! Yeap... not that I go for my dream place I'd go shopping.. I'd hunt for FOOD!
How about me making a list of my dream places..
1- CHINA. Well.. China doesnt have lots of new food.. I've eat them mostly here in Malaysia.. They're kind of similar bt yet.. I rank china as no.1 dream place for me to seek for their culture and learn their language.

2- KOREA. Malays are CRAZYYY for korean nowadays. With all that kpop stars than has gone wild here in Malaysia but unlike me.. Korean has lots of NICEEE food to hunt for... and beautiful places to visits. Their culture and language what makes Korea special.

3- NEW ZEALAND. This place is well known of their beautiful scenery.. Green and natural fresh air that makes you feel fresh and calm. The natural beauty of New Zealand has always been the centre of attention from all over the world. Didnt know much about their food but I probably get to drink FRESH MILK!

4- TURKEY. owh well.. not that TURKEY you eat but TURKEY.. this place is awesome. What I like the most about turkey is their unique landscape, building structures and FOOD of course~ They have this traditional dance that you round and around with that open skirt (Man wears it) WoW~ You have to go here! well I HAVE to be here!!

5- UNITED KINGDOM. People would say... urghh.. what are you gonna get when you go to united kingdom?? Its like nothing'ss there..~ Me?? I LOVE UK. Since I was a little kid.. I've always wanted to be here and guess what??! I always watch film that speak their language. UK has loots od attraction if you notice. I like their people and language of course. And they have this islamic institute that grows well there in UK.. how I wish I can join them! AND!! Lots of scholars tooo! I've always wanted to ride their bus.. you knoww.. the one in red!

6. ATLANTIC. LoL...People would say.. "You'll die if you go there".. Like I caree... haha~ Its the best place as well to experience the REAL ice... and meet weird animals and FOOD (?) or do they eat everything in the water?? anyway.. I just want to go there.. It'd be EPIC!

Lastly, I'd love to go to all the countries in this world but above are few of which are recommended and prioritize by ME! Actually there are few countries I wanted to go havent list up because Its passed!!
1- EGYPT: I went there in 2007
2- SINGAPORE: I went there in 2014
3- ABHA: I went there in 2009
4- MAKKAH, MADEENAH & JEDDAH: I first went there in 2000 and get settled until 2010
How about me making a list of my dream places..
1- CHINA. Well.. China doesnt have lots of new food.. I've eat them mostly here in Malaysia.. They're kind of similar bt yet.. I rank china as no.1 dream place for me to seek for their culture and learn their language.
2- KOREA. Malays are CRAZYYY for korean nowadays. With all that kpop stars than has gone wild here in Malaysia but unlike me.. Korean has lots of NICEEE food to hunt for... and beautiful places to visits. Their culture and language what makes Korea special.
3- NEW ZEALAND. This place is well known of their beautiful scenery.. Green and natural fresh air that makes you feel fresh and calm. The natural beauty of New Zealand has always been the centre of attention from all over the world. Didnt know much about their food but I probably get to drink FRESH MILK!
4- TURKEY. owh well.. not that TURKEY you eat but TURKEY.. this place is awesome. What I like the most about turkey is their unique landscape, building structures and FOOD of course~ They have this traditional dance that you round and around with that open skirt (Man wears it) WoW~ You have to go here! well I HAVE to be here!!
5- UNITED KINGDOM. People would say... urghh.. what are you gonna get when you go to united kingdom?? Its like nothing'ss there..~ Me?? I LOVE UK. Since I was a little kid.. I've always wanted to be here and guess what??! I always watch film that speak their language. UK has loots od attraction if you notice. I like their people and language of course. And they have this islamic institute that grows well there in UK.. how I wish I can join them! AND!! Lots of scholars tooo! I've always wanted to ride their bus.. you knoww.. the one in red!
6. ATLANTIC. LoL...People would say.. "You'll die if you go there".. Like I caree... haha~ Its the best place as well to experience the REAL ice... and meet weird animals and FOOD (?) or do they eat everything in the water?? anyway.. I just want to go there.. It'd be EPIC!
Lastly, I'd love to go to all the countries in this world but above are few of which are recommended and prioritize by ME! Actually there are few countries I wanted to go havent list up because Its passed!!
1- EGYPT: I went there in 2007
2- SINGAPORE: I went there in 2014
3- ABHA: I went there in 2009
4- MAKKAH, MADEENAH & JEDDAH: I first went there in 2000 and get settled until 2010