Exam fever - Psychosis
12:44 AM
Alright... Basically, I've been reading this awesome notes talking about all those psychic things... Sometimes they are things we experience.. WHATT??! Am I having some mental disorder.. owhhh yeaaa... you know.. they are few mental disorder experienced by little and young kids.. Like communication disorder.. Motor skills disorder.. or even learning disorder.. This learning disorder is what interest me. They have been categorize into reading, writing and maths.. maths??? yes mathematics.. These are normally identified when they turn 7.. now that I remember when I was 7.. I had this issues on being lazy (?) and yes.. HATE MATHS.. I had problem remembering multiplies and difficulties in adding and subtracting simple numeric problems. WOW~!

So does that mean I had this type of disorder??? but than.. They said that.. these kids tend to feel depressed, anger or low self esteem due to failure in exams so on and so forth. To that I reflect back... me?? depressed? anger? low self-esteem? Naaa... I fail but this what goes in my childhood mind "I failed... so whatever.. I tried at least" hahaha~ So I was like.. fuhhhhh... I didnt fall into that category. Ok guysss.. I AM NORMAL.. OK.. NORMAL.. but yes.. I still hate maths!
So does that mean I had this type of disorder??? but than.. They said that.. these kids tend to feel depressed, anger or low self esteem due to failure in exams so on and so forth. To that I reflect back... me?? depressed? anger? low self-esteem? Naaa... I fail but this what goes in my childhood mind "I failed... so whatever.. I tried at least" hahaha~ So I was like.. fuhhhhh... I didnt fall into that category. Ok guysss.. I AM NORMAL.. OK.. NORMAL.. but yes.. I still hate maths!