Exam daaaaahhh
2:15 AM
Bittaufiq wannajah.. itulah perkataan yg digunakan setiap kali nk exam. hye awkk. bittaufiq wannajah ye.. Assalamualikum sis... Bittaufiq wannajah... HUAAA~!! Exam dh kewww??

Commonly happen la these days.. We tend to do this like... Having a wish for a NEW year?? Alaahh... Azam baru bak Malay people mentioned. And normally AZAM BARU tu.. "Nak revise balik setiap kali habis class" or "I should be studying like 2-3 weeks ahead before exam." Like WHATTTTT???! Kalau azam je tp doesnt put them in action... WASTE.. RUBBISH (Dr. Said, 2014). Sama la kes ngn aq ni.. I think Azam baru tu.. being postponed until 2015 dah.. the same wish that never achieved. Astaghfirullah.. Bila ko nak berubah mun Oi!
Ok.. ni esok nak exam,,, Mula la buat things that I dont usually do.. Like watching boring movies, eating almost every seconds... and sleep like Pola bear!
Kalau nak tahu, me, since I was a kid.. I had this lazy stuff bout reading for exams.. Studying and all.. Urghhh.. Its like I am allergic to them (Alasaaaaannn kann). Then berangan nk pegi luar negara lahhh..
Ohooo wait~ I have this in mind saying genius tends to be so fixed and being at one place.. those book worms and nerds.. they dont have life you allllss.. They dont get socialized and life for them is so boring and suffocated... wait.. not for them... BUT FOR ME. so people like that might get themselves stuck at one place FOREVER! No offense. few of the geniuses do socialize... well. then.. tht's like bonus laa.. and I am JEALOUS! HAHAHA
Esok exam EMERGENCY, TRAUMA & OT. Owhhh helll yeaa... its gonna be a BIG day!
I will be expecting hard question from emergency.. and quiet a friendly one from OT~ Probably I'll do good! NO! I WILL MAKE SURE I DO GOOD!!

So skrg nak tido ke study?? heeee

Commonly happen la these days.. We tend to do this like... Having a wish for a NEW year?? Alaahh... Azam baru bak Malay people mentioned. And normally AZAM BARU tu.. "Nak revise balik setiap kali habis class" or "I should be studying like 2-3 weeks ahead before exam." Like WHATTTTT???! Kalau azam je tp doesnt put them in action... WASTE.. RUBBISH (Dr. Said, 2014). Sama la kes ngn aq ni.. I think Azam baru tu.. being postponed until 2015 dah.. the same wish that never achieved. Astaghfirullah.. Bila ko nak berubah mun Oi!
Ok.. ni esok nak exam,,, Mula la buat things that I dont usually do.. Like watching boring movies, eating almost every seconds... and sleep like Pola bear!
Kalau nak tahu, me, since I was a kid.. I had this lazy stuff bout reading for exams.. Studying and all.. Urghhh.. Its like I am allergic to them (Alasaaaaannn kann). Then berangan nk pegi luar negara lahhh..
Ohooo wait~ I have this in mind saying genius tends to be so fixed and being at one place.. those book worms and nerds.. they dont have life you allllss.. They dont get socialized and life for them is so boring and suffocated... wait.. not for them... BUT FOR ME. so people like that might get themselves stuck at one place FOREVER! No offense. few of the geniuses do socialize... well. then.. tht's like bonus laa.. and I am JEALOUS! HAHAHA
Esok exam EMERGENCY, TRAUMA & OT. Owhhh helll yeaa... its gonna be a BIG day!
I will be expecting hard question from emergency.. and quiet a friendly one from OT~ Probably I'll do good! NO! I WILL MAKE SURE I DO GOOD!!
So skrg nak tido ke study?? heeee