Mood Republic Tour Pahang - Review

10:13 AM

Oho~!! Aq gi Mood republic nie.. owh my~ So many people~ like lots and lots of people.. Me and my friend went there like 7.30 and there's already a bunch of people lining up in front of the door to get goodies! And when the door opens.. MY GOSH! mcm org kene histeria sumenya. entah pape.. Kalau lah majlis Ilmu seramai tu.. kan seronok~! sampaikn bertolak2.. Mun yg kt depan nie.. x pyh jln dh... org belakang tolak~ cam.. chill man! everyone's gonna get in~ Its like they're not gonna locked the door or something~ -_-!

Okay la.. selain dr tu.. I get one goodie bag with a scarf in it.. Its just perfect and I'm going to give it my mommy~! Weee~! And I went to Cattleyacouture to get few shawls and yeap I did with all the hard work...~ nak beli shawl pun kemain susah lagi~ So crowded!!

Nothing else to kabo lah... gonna belanje fewww pic~! ^_^! But seriously.. kalaulah majlis ilmu seramai ni.. about more than 10 000~ hmmm yummmy!!

Filter vs no filter.. lain benoooo~ technology skrg~ -_-!

Ni je yg mampu belii~!!! :P

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